

Interactive Building: Redefining Mobile Gaming in Web3 with Pixion Games


Interactive Building: Redefining Mobile Gaming in Web3 with Pixion Games

An exclusive interview with Kam Punia, the CEO and founder of Pixion Games we delve into the world of Fableborne.

By Eliza Crichton-Stuart author avatar

By Eliza Crichton-Stuart

Updated September 27th 2023

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In an exclusive interview with Kam Punia, the CEO and founder of Pixion Games, we delve into the world of Fableborne, a groundbreaking mobile multiplayer game that combines action RPG and base-building genres. With a focus on user-generated content and player-controlled raiding, Fableborne sets a new standard in mobile gaming. Join us as we explore the insights, strategies, and exciting future prospects for Fableborne and the gaming industry as a whole.

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Fableborne: A Unique Fusion of Genres

Fableborne is a mobile multiplayer game that brings together two distinct genres: action RPG and base building. As Kam describes it, it's like "Clash of Clans meets Diablo" with a twist. Unlike traditional RPGs where game designers create the worlds, Fableborne empowers players to design and own their worlds. This emphasis on user-generated content forms an integral part of the core gameplay experience. Furthermore, players have unprecedented control during raids, making gameplay highly engaging.


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“You can think of it as Clash of Clans meets Diablo, but with two key differences. In Diablo, the worlds you raid are created by the studio's game designers, whereas in Fableborne, these worlds are created entirely by players and can also be player-owned.”

Community-Centric Approach to Web3 Gaming

One of the key differentiators for Fableborne is its commitment to the community from day one. In web3 gaming, Kam believes the community is at the heart of success. Pixion Games actively engages with its player base to gather qualitative and quantitative feedback, create brand champions, address UX challenges, and retain both long-term and new players.


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“It's essential to build with the community, but also to build without the community. Both are equally important. Engaging with the community allows us to gather qualitative and quantitative feedback while creating brand champions. Onboarding new players and addressing UX challenges are crucial for player retention. Both the long-term community and new players are valuable.”

Why Mobile?

The decision to focus on mobile gaming is rooted in accessibility and global reach. Mobile devices are ubiquitous, making gaming accessible to millions with just a few minutes and an internet connection. Emerging markets, where high-end gaming machines are scarce, show promising adoption of web3 and blockchain technologies. By targeting mobile, Pixion Games aims to lead the industry and tap into this vast potential.

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“I believe mobile is the future of web3 gaming, and it's going to be the on-ramp for hundreds of millions of players into this space. Everyone has a mobile device, making gaming accessible with just 5 minutes and an internet connection. Additionally, emerging markets like Brazil, the Philippines, India, and Vietnam, where players often lack access to consoles or high-end gaming machines, show greater adoption of web3 and blockchain technologies. So, if we want to lead this industry and set the stage for others, we had to choose mobile.”

Short, Snackable Gaming Sessions

Understanding the nature of mobile gaming, Fableborne offers short, snackable gaming sessions that can be completed in 5 minutes or less. This design approach aligns with the constant distractions and time constraints prevalent in mobile gaming.

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“We aimed to create short, snackerable gaming sessions. Accessibility and ease of play were key pillars in our game's design. Mobile gaming, with its constant distractions and time constraints, influenced our decision to create sessions that can be completed in 5 minutes or less.”

Lessons from Prototypes

Before Fableborn, Pixion Games explored real-time multiplayer games but realized the high costs associated with development and maintenance. They shifted their focus to asynchronous gameplay, which not only reduced expenses but also made gameplay more engaging. Players could now make tactical decisions, creating a more interactive experience.

Collecting and Utilizing Player Feedback

Pixion Games employs a comprehensive approach to collect and utilize player feedback. Feedback is gathered from multiple sources, including qualitative data from the community, feedback forms, stealth tests, competitive analysis, and internal playtesting. They curate the feedback process by selecting players who can provide detailed and constructive input.

Looking Beyond Fableborne: The Exciting Future of Gaming

Kam is also enthusiastic about the broader web3 gaming industry. He says he sees a reinvigoration of creativity with new studios and technologies. The prospect of playing fresh and innovative games, as opposed to reskinned versions of existing titles, excites him.

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“What am I excited? That's a really good question, actually. I'm not going to jump on the AR/VR bandwagon, which, although I'm excited about, there are a few other things that I'm more excited about. Generally, I'm more excited about this paradigm shift that we're in now, and we're part of building that and trying to build out that playbook. But we've seen these paradigm shifts every 10, 15 plus years, with free to play, prior to that premium, prior to that arcade. Not only does the business model change, but designers and game designers.”

The Future of Fableborne and Web3 Gaming

Pixion Games is excited about the future of Fableborne, with plans for competitive features, new content, and continuous optimization. They aim to share more about their unchanged strategy, seeking feedback and collaboration within the web3 community.

For those eager to stay updated with the games development, you can check out their game page here

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