
Shrapnel Releases First Live Action Trailer

Shrapnel notches up the anticipation with an exciting live action short titled, Solitarius Lupus, or the Lone Wolf.

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Shrapnel was our inaugural GAM3 Awards Most Anticipated award winner, and that alone is a testament to how much noise and eyes the shooter has managed to attract throughout its development. The studio previously revealed a brief gameplay trailer with bits here and there, but other than that, we are yet to see a full fledged gameplay session or prolonged trailer. However, Shrapnel excels at keeping everyone gripped with their storytelling. The title released a live action short that depicts a day in the life of an Operator, the ups & downs, and some of the dangers they have to withstand.

Shrapnel tapped Seattle-based film studio All Is Well to tell a story all their own. In Solitarius Lupus, an independent Operator braves the dangerous Sacrifice Zone, years after the first Earthfall event in 2038 – in hopes of great reward. As you might have guessed, the live action short's title is derived from the Latin words Solitarius and Lupus, which translate to Lone Wolf. Over the course of the video, this concept is emphasized through the caravan home and the character's actions focusing mainly on survival and modifying her weapons.

Shrapnel pits players against each other in The Zone, where they fight over who can reach and extract the various valuable resources found around the area. Considering the importance of your mission, it is only natural for everyone to be hostile on sight. Prior to entering The Zone, you will be able to kit out your Operator with the necessary equipment, weapons, and loadout to complete the extraction.

It is not as easy as it sounds as you might never see any of the gear you have equipped on your character again. Shrapnel offers all its gear components as NFTs, and the gear you begin the game with is lost once you die during the match. It is not as easy as it sounds because even after the kill, the loot isn’t fully secured yet. These gameplay mechanics are bound to make the game an incredibly tense and competitive experience.

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