

DeRace Gives First Glance at 5th Hippodrome


DeRace Gives First Glance at 5th Hippodrome

Latest DeRace development update showcases what the team has been working on and gives fans a first glance at the 5th hippodrome.


DeRace is one of the few web3 games that can fall into the sports genre with their horse racing gameplay and impressive features throughout the game. The development studio's latest development update revealed a ton of new information on what the team has been working on lately, and one of those were regarding a new hippodrome players will get to enjoy.

A lot of the success of hippodromes relies heavily on how intuitive the Hippodrome Management System feels, and luckily, it got a number of improvements during this update. For context, the hippodrome management system will help you generate races and organize tournaments. With the system, you can create custom races with a specific prize pool and distribute prizes. 

With the latest update, hippodrome managers can easily deposit various DeRace NFTs, $DERC tokens or Sugar Cubes into the prize pool for the selected races and tournaments. Afterwards, they can decide how to distribute the prizes amongst different winners. When the race or tournament is finished, the winners automatically get their prize dropped into their in-game wallets. These new changes only make the races and tournaments more exciting for the participants, making it easier for them to enjoy their day at the races without worrying about any manual distribution mechanics or ambiguous rules.

DeRace 5th hippodrome.png

DeRace took the opportunity to reveal their fifth hippodrome, a wintery track with synthetic surface. For now, the hippodrome doesn't have a specific name neither is it ready for players to take their horses and race on it straight away. Since this hippodrome is designed for night-time racing, all the lighting comes from the floodlights and sky-lights. Throw in some pre-dawn shadows, sprinkle the place with a few stars, and it's absolutely fantastic.

The DeRace team will be focusing on 3D element placement throughout next week. On top of that, they will be adjusting the lighting at the hippodrome and beginning to work on northern lights effects. When the hippodrome environment is complete, it will be open for testnet participants to give it a go.

What do you think of the 5th hippodrome DeRace is working on? Which hippodrome is your favorite so far? Share this article and tag us on any of our socials to let us know.

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