
Axie Origin Coin (AOC) Tokens Set for Migration to Ronin

On Jan 22, AOC tokens move from Ethereum to Ronin, potentially spawning rare Origin and Mystic axies. Details on migration, implications, and collector excitement.

Eliza Crichton-Stuart author picture}

Eliza Crichton-Stuart

Head of Operations

Axie AOC Tokens 1

In a significant move set to reshape the Axie Infinity universe, the team behind the popular web3 game has announced the migration of 1,375 Axie Origin Coin (AOC) tokens from Ethereum to Ronin. Scheduled for January 22nd, this transition marks a pivotal moment in the history of Axie Origin Coins.


Origin axies, often regarded as the ancestral figures of every axie in Lunacia (excluding MEO axies), owe their existence to AOC tokens. These tokens serve as the genesis, birthing the foundational Origin axies. With a conversion rate of 5 AOC tokens to 1 Origin axie, the migration will potentially bring 275 dormant Origin axies to life on Ronin. Furthermore, the intrigue deepens as these axies might harbor Mystic parts, a prized possession in Lunacia.

Mystic axies, an elusive subset within the Axie universe, carry a unique charm and distinction. Boasting distinctive aesthetic parts and enhanced capabilities, these axies stand as a testament to their holder's belief in the game's ethos. Their rarity is further amplified by exclusive benefits such as increased Fortune Slips from Atia and a Radiant Spirit Shell upon ascension, making them the crown jewels of any collection.


Enthusiasts and collectors are in for a treat with the impending migration. The introduction of high-ID migrated Origin axies alongside their low-ID counterparts will usher in a fresh wave of rarity dynamics. As the Axie universe evolves, collectors can anticipate a surge in unique axie variants, enriching their collections and strategic gameplay options.

Come January 22, 2024, at 7 AM UTC, a snapshot of the AOC contract will capture the token distribution, facilitating a seamless migration to Ronin. Notably, post-snapshot, the AOC contract on Ethereum will be rendered inactive, emphasizing the imperative nature of the migration process. Current AOC token holders are advised to stay vigilant and ensure a smooth transition to Ronin to preserve the tokens' value and unlock future rewards.
Example: 0x4dada3 owns 45 tokens on ETH at snapshot time. ronin:4dada3 will receive 45 AOC tokens on Ronin after migration. You can read more about how to import an ETH wallet into the Ronin wallet in theirΒ Support Article.

AOC Tokens 3

With 36 AOC token holders in the fray and Sky Mavis strategically positioning its tokens for future endeavors, the Axie Infinity community is abuzz with anticipation. As the migration unfolds, stakeholders can look forward to exciting announcements, rewards, and a renewed gaming landscape on Ronin.

Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the evolving Axie universe, bringing you the latest updates, insights, and developments shaping the future of gaming and NFT ecosystems.


January 10th 2024


January 10th 2024

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