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The Unfettered



The Unfettered is an engrossing RPG, drawing heavy inspiration from the Souls-like genre, intertwined with a captivating narrative.

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The Unfettered is an anticipated action RPG, diligently crafted by Awkay Technologies, utilizing the power of Unreal Engine 5. As the studio's inaugural venture into the souls-like genre, the game centers around an enigmatic female warrior. Dubbed as the "chosen one" by the gods for years, she is entrusted with the mission to combat subterranean beasts that have transformed the world into a dystopian landscape of death, chaos, and devastation.

Lore and Gameplay

The Unfettered ushers players into an era steeped in divine conflict, where gods have reigned over tumultuous millennia. Amidst the ceaseless, bloody turmoil, Death conceives a plan to shift the balance in an obscure realm. Intriguingly, he selects an untested, youthful woman from this realm to implement his plan, the reasoning for his choice a compelling mystery. Unknowingly, she consents to Death's proposal, setting off on a journey, the profound challenges of which she is yet to comprehend.

As they navigate the landscape of this adventure, players accrue the souls of their fallen enemies in a stimulating but formidable voyage. A pivotal element of the game involves the exploration of the realm in a relentless search for souls. Players are then able to transmute these gathered souls into in-game tokens, infusing their journey with an additional layer of strategic complexity.

How to Get Started

Players can enjoy The Unfettered without any web3 features right now on Steam.

About The Unfettered


Awkay Technologies

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The Unfettered

The Unfettered is a Souls-like RPG with a gripping storyline.


Awkay Technologies








