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Pixel Guild



Pixel Guild is a collection of in-game playable Guild Heroes competing for glory in an action-packed free-to-play game on Solana.

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Pixel Guild aims to give gamers ownership of their in-game items and achievements while encouraging fun gameplay, exploration, competition, and a sense of community. Players will be accompanied by a rich, immersive soundtrack as they encounter a variety of heroes, spells, monsters, and game mechanics, some of which they can own. The game offers a unique combination of platformer and dungeon crawler design with a merit-based Web3 reward system. The top players, determined by speed, strength, and skill, will win the best loot boxes and most $GOLD, and their names will be known throughout the land.

Game Modes

PixelGuild offers a unique gaming experience that blends classic game mechanics with a merit-based reward system and tokenized in-game assets on the Solana blockchain. Players will embark on an exciting journey through a fantastical world full of surprises, encounters, and hidden treasures, accompanied by a fully-composed immersive soundtrack.

The game offers three different modes: Story Mode, Survival Mode, and PvP Mode, with an emphasis on platforming and dungeon crawling. The player will start with a tutorial and receive their first tokenized in-game asset, the Pioneers Chest, after completion. As they progress through levels, collecting $GOLD, they can revisit previously completed levels to improve their scores or practice mechanics.

Story Mode

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Pixel Guild invites players on a thrilling adventure through a fantastical world filled with surprises, encounters, and secret treasures. A fully-composed mystical soundtrack immerses players in the Pixel Guild world and assists them in their quest for glory.

The journey begins with a tutorial, upon completion of which players receive their first tokenized in-game asset, the Pioneers Chest, which they own fully. After completing the tutorial, players can start their adventure by tackling the first story mode level and collecting $GOLD along the way. Upon successfully clearing the Forest Level, the next level, Dungeon Level, will unlock. Players can revisit previously cleared levels to collect missed $GOLD or improve their scores, or simply to practice their skills.

The current levels, in order of completion, are Forest Level, Dungeon Level, and Swamp Level, with new levels and special events being added regularly as the developers continue to build challenging worlds to explore.

Golden Keys and Golden Chests

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The role of Golden Keys has changed in PixelGuild with the transition to the post-mint phase. These keys now offer three unique in-game benefits for players: opening Golden and Seasoned Loot Chests, gaining extra attempts in competitive events, and exchanging for 5000 $GOLD (subject to change). Owners of Golden Keys also receive an OG Discord Role. As the burning of Golden Keys is required to access these utilities, players must carefully consider their usage and strategize accordingly. To help, more information on Pioneer and Seasoned Loot Chests and competitive events can be found to inform their decision-making.

Golden Chests can only be earned by finishing the tutorial. To open Pioneer Chests, one or more Golden Keys are necessary - the more keys used, the higher the chances of discovering valuable loot inside. Opening a Seasoned Loot Chest requires a different mechanism than Pioneer Chests, but it's up to the player to obtain one of these rare chests and uncover the method to open it on their own. The journey of an adventurer is full of surprises, and the path they take is unknown.

How to Get Started

Pixel Guild welcomes all players, regardless of NFT ownership, to participate in the game and economy. No payments or purchases are necessary to start playing and earning $GOLD. Every player has the ability to earn and spend $GOLD within the game, but NFT holders are provided with additional rewards, a complete ecosystem, and opportunities. However, NFT ownership does not provide any advantage in global events. For a comprehensive understanding of the benefits of owning a Pixel Guild NFT, please refer to the designated information page.

About Pixel Guild

Pixel Guild

Fight for glory in Pixel Guild, the most action-packed free-to-play play-and-earn game on Solana.







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