Our first impressions on Shardbound, a unique blend of genres that is offering players a fresh new card game and strategy experience.
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Updated March 4th 2025
Updated March 4th 2025
Once again, I find myself immersed in a card game, but this time with a unique twist—an amalgamation of a trading card game (TCG) and turn-based strategy (TBS). Shardbound initially caught my attention on Twitter, popping up in my timeline. While I'm not the most avid TCG player, I do enjoy them occasionally and have been growing fonder of the genre. Shardbound stood out because it incorporates different elements, not only from the TCG genre but also from TBS. Players engage in battles on a playing field where movement, terrain, and objectives all play pivotal roles. Regrettably, I couldn't participate in their initial closed alpha, or so I thought.
To my surprise, Shardbound made an appearance at the IMX booth at Gamescom 2023! Needless to say, I was incredibly excited and couldn't wait to visit the IMX booth and try the playable version available on a Steam Deck! Playing on a preheated Steam Deck (trust me, they can run hot!), I found myself navigating through the first battle. The experience was decent, considering the game is in an alpha state. Looking past the placeholders and the somewhat less-than-ideal controls on the Steam Deck, it was an enjoyable experience!
This experience led to me obtaining an access code to play Shardbound in the comfort of my own home on my trusted laptop. Let me tell you, playing the game on a laptop or PC made a significant difference. Being able to try out more pre-made decks and heroes and test which suited my playstyle best was enjoyable! It also allowed me to learn more about the cards and their effects and put them to better use on the playing field. I ended up streaming the game several times on Twitch, as well as in our Discord. I must add that I played it off-stream during my leisure time, which doesn't happen with many games. This just goes to show how much I truly enjoyed the game!
I found the Thrall Summoner to be the most enjoyable, as summoning an army of minions to do your bidding seemed to suit my playstyle best (if you want to join my army, let me know!).
Now, you might be wondering about the game's objectives. Allow me to provide a brief overview. You play as one of the commanders, each with their unique abilities and playstyles (honestly, try them all). Your goal is to summon minions, cast spells, and during your turn, move, attack, and collect resources like mana gems and victory points. You can win the game by either reducing the opponent's commander's HP to zero or collecting 10 victory points. This adds depth to the game and strategic play that I haven't experienced in other games of its genre. Depending on your playstyle, you can focus on heavy attacks or aim for victory points. One thing is certain—you'll need to put on your thinking cap as you play cards and strategically move them around the board!
If you want to learn more about the game, its lore, or the team behind it, I suggest checking out their game page, which contains a wealth of information! Also, keep an eye out for their next playtest, scheduled for Q1 of 2024!
March 4th 2025
November 4th 2023