

Cryptoverse Reveal Cryptoverse Experiences; Create and Share Metaverses


Cryptoverse Reveal Cryptoverse Experiences; Create and Share Metaverses

Cryptoverse announces Cryptoverse Experiences, a platform built on blockchain that game devs and the community can build their own metaverses.


The word metaverse is incredibly difficult to define at the current stage of web3 gaming, but the likes of The Sandbox Game, DecentralandREALM, and other simulation titles, give us a glimpse of how the future of virtual and augmented reality might look. Another innovator in the metaverse space is Cryptoverse, with their latest announcement revealing Cryptoverse Experiences.

Cryptoverse Experiences is described as "a secure platform built on blockchain that game developers, brands and creative community members can publish on in order to accelerate their entry into the metaverse." The reveal doesn't come empty handed in the hopes of user adoption and growth, but instead the Cryptoverse team came prepared with over 20 different games and applications already under development. One of them is featured in the image below, an MMORPG title nicknamed Samuki, showcasing a character wielding a magical sword and fighting what looks like an alien creature.

This is the only one out of twenty we get to see for now, but the remaining will be teased on socials and future announcements over the next few weeks. The planned official launch of Cryptoverse Experiences is towards the later end of August, accompanied by Samuki to celebrate creating a metaverse experience for every user to enjoy. The Cryptoverse Co-Founder Idon Liu expressed his excitement towards empowering creators to develop standalone experiences compatible with Cryptoverse.

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“This is an exciting move which brings new standalone Cryptoverse Experiences to our wonderful community ahead of schedule. With other metaverse projects you have to be patient and wait for developments, this platform helps our partners release their games, stores and virtual experiences into the world immediately, whilst simultaneously giving our community a chance to start creating, collecting, socialising and playing in the Metaverse of Everything without delay.
When the Cryptoverse launches, these standalone experiences; the buildings, landscapes and gameplay, will transition into the metaverse seamlessly!,” said Cryptoverse Co-Founder Idon Liu

Cryptoverse Co-Founder Idon Liu

Cryptoverse was featured before on Polkastarter, raising over $3.1 Million in their land sale. The studio made it clear this is only a glimpse of what LAND owners will be able to use their plots for, allowing them to craft unique experiences and showcase it on the new platform for everyone to enjoy.

Let us know what you think of Cryptoverse Experiences in the comments down below and would you use the platform to explore created games and metaverses to play whenever you are looking for a new title?

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