
Bitmates Devlog Recaps New Features and Future Plans

Dive into the exciting world of Bitmates with a successful free-to-play launch, new features, and a glimpse at future updates and expansions.

Mostafa Salem author picture}

Mostafa Salem

Head of Gaming Research

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Bitmates, a rapidly growing game, has completed its month-long closed-beta test and recently launched as free-to-play. This public beta release has attracted over 2,100 unique players, maintaining a consistent average of 200-300 daily active users.

The developers have focused on enhancing the gaming experience by introducing new elements, such as bosses Nightfang and Timberfang. A new non-playable character named Thabo has been added to the game, providing players with the opportunity to purchase a powerful short bow for 20,000 gold coins. To improve game-economy transparency, the Item Board has been implemented, enabling players to monitor item quantities and ownership. Additionally, the Leaderboard feature now allows players to track skill progress.

Looking ahead, Bitmates plans to roll out its first major expansion, The Forsaken Sands. This update will include four new regions, more bosses, non-playable characters, game mechanics, and an increased level cap of 70. The game's roadmap also reveals the introduction of a third boss named Magmadillo and new regions such as the Kingdom of Solaire, Braveheart Barracks, and Clear Skies Farm. New skills like Jewelcrafting and Alchemy will be incorporated, along with the launch of a Cosmetics Shop and a Badges/Achievements system.

As Bitmates continues to evolve and provide new content, players can look forward to further updates and improvements within the game.

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