Discover what's new in Big Time's Patch v0.27! From exciting quests like 'A Temporal Anomaly' to diverse abilities for Warriors, Chronomancers, and more.
The team behind Big Time, the GAM3 Awards Game of the Year winner and web3 MMORPG, has just rolled out their Patch v0.27, promising new dimensions of gameplay and various improvements. Let's dig into what this new patch brings to the table and what it means for the gaming community.
The patch introduces intriguing new quest lines, like "A Temporal Anomaly," that involves solving Benjamin Franklin's mysteries and exploring time distortions. This alone promises to provide hours of engrossing storytelling and puzzle-solving. The gameplay sees the addition of new abilities across various classes, such as Warrior, Chronomancer, Fixer, and more. Each ability aims to add nuance to combat scenarios, from "Barbaric Yawp," which boosts ally morale, to "Anti-Barrier Grenade," designed to shatter magical barriers. These augmentations diversify strategies and make team compositions more compelling.
Beyond this, new objectives have been added like 'Bastion Annexation,' and 'Quantic Convergence,' providing even more layers to the gameplay. Existing objectives have been re-balanced based on user feedback, making for a more engaging gaming experience.
User interface improvements include a dedicated inventory section for crafting materials and another for Pocket Watches, streamlining resource management for players. The 'M' key can now bring up an enlarged version of the minimap, making navigation easier. Performance optimizations aim to make the game smoother, allowing for higher enemy counts in dungeons without compromising server performance.
The patch brings significant balance changes. Backstab damage now scales with Shadow Charges, and new enemy variants like "Drone Bug Shocker" have been added, providing fresh challenges for players. Support for Traditional Chinese and Turkish has been introduced, along with improvements to translations in many other languages. Animation updates for various characters and creatures further add to the game’s polish.
The v0.27 patch shows that the developers are keen on listening to their community and making Big Time an ever-evolving, enthralling experience for all players. This update suggests not just improvements but also the promise of an exciting journey ahead for the game's existing and new playerbase.
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