

Aavegotchi Announces Rarity Farming Season 6


Aavegotchi Announces Rarity Farming Season 6

Embarks on the sixth season of Rarity Farming to win rewards by increasing the rarity of their Aavegotchi NFTs.

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Rarity Farming, a distinctive feature in the Aavegotchi universe, incentivizes players to enhance the rarity of their Aavegotchi NFTs. This is done through equipping the NFTs with Wearable NFTs, petting them twice daily, and partaking in XP events. This effort may yield GHST token rewards for Aavegotchis across three categories: Rarity, Kinship, and XP.

The stakes are high in this season of Rarity Farming, with a whopping 1.5 million GHST tokens, equivalent to approximately $1.5 million USD, up for grabs over the eight-week period. All Aavegotchi owners can partake in the event, or alternatively, players can borrow an Aavegotchi from another player offering a split on the GHST earnings during the borrowing period through Gotchi Lending.

The AavegotchiDAO, known as one of the most active gaming DAOs globally, continues to show its commitment to the community. The proposal for Rarity Farming Season 6 didn't just pass, it was fully funded by the AavegotchiDAO, illustrating the extensive support for player rewards.

The allocation of GHST rewards remains consistent with the previous season, divided into three categories: Rarity (70%), Kinship (20%), and XP (10%). Players can maximize their winnings by enhancing their Aavegotchi's rarity, maintaining consistent interaction for kinship points, and staying active in the Aavegotchi community for XP.

As with previous seasons, Season 6 will span over eight weeks, divided into four two-week rounds. On-chain snapshots of the leaderboards are taken at the end of each round, following which rewards are allocated and GHST is distributed directly into the player's Aavegotchi's pockets. The rewards can be viewed and withdrawn by visiting the Aavegotchi interface at app.aavegotchi.com.

The first snapshot of Rarity Farming Season 6 will occur on June 29th, 2023 at 10 am EST/2 pm UTC, offering participants ample time to prepare their Aavegotchis for the exciting season ahead. With more than $1.5M USD in GHST at stake, the next eight weeks promise to be a thrilling journey for all participants. Remember, a well-cared-for Gotchi is a rewarding Gotchi!

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