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Big Time


Big Time Preseason Guide: What is an Armory?

Big Time Preseason Guide: What is an Armory?

A comprehensive guide covering all you need to know on the newly added Armory in Big Time's Preseason.

Big Time has continually showcased its potential as it progresses towards becoming a top-tier web3 and blockchain-native game within the industry. The eagerly awaited Preseason Launch update for the cooperative MMORPG is right on the horizon, bringing with it a wealth of new features designed to cater to a wide spectrum of players. If you're looking to understand the role of Armories in the game, you're in the right place. Let's dive in!

What is an Armory?

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Armories are specialized stations in Big Time that focus on crafting and upgrading armor. They play a role in refining certain materials.

Rarity and Types

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Armories are categorized into ten distinct rarity tiers, ranging from Common to Unique. The rarity of an Armory is pivotal as it determines the quality of cosmetic collectibles it can craft or upgrade. For example, a Legendary Armory possesses the capability to craft or upgrade cosmetic collectibles from Common all the way up to Mythic. This means that the higher the rarity of the Armory, the more diverse and superior cosmetic collectibles it can produce or enhance.

There are ten unique types of Armories, each identifiable by a specific color and accompanied by a special bonus. These types and their specializations are as follows:

  1. Armory of Quickness: Colored Red, this type specializes in crafting gloves.
  2. Armory of Rapidness: Also Red, it focuses on crafting helmets.
  3. Armory of Swiftness: Red in color, it specializes in crafting legs and shields.
  4. Armory of Decisiveness: Blue-colored, it's adept at crafting shoulders.
  5. Armory of Diligence: Blue in hue, it specializes in crafting chest pieces.
  6. Armory of Acuity: Blue-colored, it's proficient in crafting both gloves and helmets.
  7. Armory of Chance: Green-colored, it focuses on crafting legs.
  8. Armory of Luck: Green in color, it's adept at crafting shields.
  9. Armory of Fortune: Green-hued, it specializes in crafting both shoulders and chest pieces.
  10. Armory of Triumph: The Rainbow-colored Armory, it's the most versatile, capable of crafting all types of cosmetic collectibles.

Specialization and Colors

Each Armory type has a unique specialization that enhances the crafting speed for specific armor or cosmetic collectibles. The specialization's additional speed is influenced by the rarity of the Armory. Typically, single specializations tend to craft faster than those with multiple specializations, with the Rainbow-colored Armory being an exception. This Rainbow-colored Armory, known as the "Armory of Triumph," offers players the flexibility to choose between Red, Blue, and Green, activating only the selected specialization, making it a versatile choice for players.

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Armories are distinguished by various colors, each providing a unique group bonus. The Red-colored Armories, for instance, prioritize speed, enhancing both crafting and refining processes. Blue-colored Armories emphasize efficiency, requiring less $BIGTIME currency during crafting and refining. Green-colored Armories offer an extra bonus roll slot, enhancing the chances of better outcomes. The Rainbow-colored Armory, the "Armory of Triumph," combines all these bonuses, making it the most versatile and sought-after.

Crafting and Upgrading

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Armories have the capability to refine specific materials, particularly Wild or Armory Cosmetic Shards, into Refined Armory Cosmetic Shards. These refined shards are then utilized as essential components for crafting.

Using the Refined Armory Cosmetic Shards along with other resources, Armories can craft a variety of armor or cosmetic collectibles. Additionally, they can upgrade existing armor or cosmetic collectibles to a higher rarity tier, enhancing their value and attributes.

Leveling Up Your Armory

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Your Armory can level up, enhancing its crafting capabilities. By refining, crafting, and upgrading, your Armory gains experience. Once it has enough experience, you can level it up, which offers benefits like increased crafting efficiency and additional bonus roll slots. When crafting with an Armory, you have the chance to use bonus rolls. These rolls can enhance the outcome of your crafting action. By spending resources, you can lock in specific bonuses, aiming to get the best possible results.

Armories are essential tools in Big Time, helping players craft and upgrade their armor. As you progress in the game, remember to utilize your Armory to its fullest potential to maximize your rewards. Gear up and embark on your adventure.


February 23rd 2025


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