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Big Time


How to Craft Cosmetics in Forge and Armory - Big Time Preseason Guide

How to Craft Cosmetics in Forge and Armory - Big Time Preseason Guide

A comprehensive guide covering how to craft cosmetic collectibles in the Forge and Armroy in Big Time's Preseason.

Craftable Cosmetic Collectibles are special items in Big Time that players can create using the Forge or Armory. These collectibles come in various designs and rarities, enhancing the visual appeal of your in-game character.  These Collectibles elevate the aesthetics of your gear, adding captivating elements like particle effects and unique sounds. However, it's essential to note that they don't influence gameplay stats like strength or agility. Thus, Big Time remains a fair play experience, free from any pay-to-win dynamics. The primary sources of these Cosmetic Collectibles are player-run Armories and Forges.

Make sure to check out our ultimate Big Time Preseason guide covering all the new features in detail and what each of them contribute to the grand economy of the game.  

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Rarity and issuance play a pivotal role in determining the value and desirability of each item. The collectibles in question are categorized into ten distinct rarity tiers, starting from the most basic, Common, and culminating in the highly coveted Unique tier. As one progresses up these tiers, the collectibles not only become rarer but also boast more intricate and visually captivating designs, making them a prized possession for collectors.

To maintain the allure and exclusivity of these collectibles, each rarity tier is bound by a fixed issuance number. This ensures that only a specific number of each collectible exists, preserving its uniqueness. An interesting facet of this system is the concept of "burning" or upgrading a collectible. When this occurs, the issuance slot of that particular collectible is reopened, allowing for its potential reacquisition. It's worth noting, however, that even as new sets of collectibles are introduced over time, the issuance numbers for the older sets remain unchanged, further emphasizing their limited availability.

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So, how does one go about obtaining these sought-after collectibles? While a select few Craftable Cosmetic Collectibles are available for direct purchase from the in-game store, the primary method of acquisition lies in crafting. Players can harness the capabilities of the Forge or Armory to craft these collectibles, merging various components to bring these unique items to life. This crafting mechanism adds a layer of strategy and anticipation, as players combine elements in hopes of creating the most illustrious collectibles.


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