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In Zeeverse's free MMORPG, players immerse themselves in the role of monster tamers, exploring a world steeped in indigenous fantasy lore.

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Zeeverse presents a free-to-play, massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) in which players become monster-tamers in a realm inspired by indigenous fantasy. Players will have the opportunity to discover an enchanting Spirit Realm in the role of a budding Shaman, cultivate an assortment of extraordinary combat associates known as Zee, and participate in strategic turn-based skirmishes to shield Zeeverse from the encroaching malign forces.

Game Modes

Zeeverse offers a blend of casual social gameplay, with a dash of competitive flair, combining the strategy of turn-based games with the appeal of exploration and a sense of creativity. 

The PvE mode serves as your primary route of progression within the game. You'll face off against a range of enemy Zee, spawned by the Corrupted Gods, progressing through increasing difficulty levels. Each PvE dungeon culminates in a boss battle, potentially rewarding you with a Zee Egg. At the moment, dungeons are designed for solo play, but cooperative gameplay is being planned for future updates. Starting with three Zee from a tutorial, you can eventually expand your team to five as you delve into more challenging dungeons.

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PvP gameplay takes place in the Arena and operates on a Risk-to-Earn model. You and your opponent wager an agreed-upon amount of $VEE tokens, battling until one side eliminates all enemy Zee. This is an excellent platform to hone your strategy and experiment with varying Zee Pack combinations. Another major aspect of Zeeverse is its social element, involving various live events, quests, and tournaments.

Main Characters

In Zeeverse, the narrative unfolds around three primary characters: Shamans, Gods, and Zee.

  • Shamans serve as the main characters in Zeeverse, embodying the role of playable characters with the noble mission of safeguarding the spirit realm.
  • The Gods, on the other hand, function as the storytellers of Zeeverse. Every event, whether positive or negative, stems from the direct intervention of these celestial beings.
  • Zee are the spirit inhabitants of Zeeverse. They are endearing yet formidable allies to the Shamans in battle. As you initiate your journey, you'll acquire and collect Zee Eggs, which can be nurtured into Zee. As you progress, you'll be tasked with honing your Zee through various battles to enhance their abilities, ultimately guiding them towards Evolution.

How to Get Started

Zeeverse is currently playable on your browser through the official website, as well as on both mobile operating systems, iOS and Android, for players to enjoy.

About Zeeverse


Zeeverse offers a no-cost, extensive MMORPG where participants transform into creature tamers within a universe influenced by native mythology.






