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The Walking Dead: Empires


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The Walking Dead Empires is an isometric survival MMORPG that perfectly caters to fans of the original Fallout 1 & 2. Set in a vast, player-selected region with varying degrees of difficulty and loot, the game features stunning landscapes with trees, bushes, abandoned cars, and dilapidated signs, all essential elements of a post-apocalyptic setting. Fans of the show will be thrilled to know that many of the characters from the series are playable. Although this option was unavailable in the playtest, it should be included in the full release.


The Walking Dead Empires is no exception to Gala's high-quality work and, in my opinion, ranks among their best creations. The isometric survival aspect evokes the excitement I felt playing Fallout 1 & 2 for the first time years ago. The additional features this game provides, such as base building, leveling up, and securing the area from walkers, significantly enhance the experience.

However, as with any groundbreaking game, there are some glitches. The building process can be slightly glitchy when placing fences or walls, which isn't a significant issue when you have time to build leisurely. However, it becomes a significant problem when walkers approach, as players are left vulnerable and susceptible to attacks in build mode. Fortunately, walkers don't spawn constantly near the base, but it can still be annoying at times. Another building-related frustration is ensuring the player model isn't obstructing the construction area; otherwise, pieces cannot be placed. This issue was particularly vexing, as there was no notification explaining the problem. A simple notice or pop-up would have been helpful and would have reduced the stress already associated with building.

Prior knowledge of The Walking Dead isn't necessary, though being a fan of the show enhances the experience by allowing players to recognize familiar characters and spot potential Easter eggs that may be added later. However, some characters are locked behind NFTs, meaning they can only be obtained through purchases. Players start in a random area, immediately faced with the question: "What do I need to do to survive?" Like other isometric games such as Diablo, The Walking Dead: Empires features an active quest system. This is a crucial element for RPGs, as players like myself appreciate having clear guidance on what to do next. Staying true to classic survival MMORPG mechanics, Empires includes progressive crafting and leveling-up systems, all while encouraging players to explore the vast world map, scavenge resources, and continuously upgrade their gear. Completing quests quickly keeps players engaged and eager to discover what else the game has in store.

As you travel across the expansive map, you'll eventually come across shops where you can sell extra or unwanted loot in exchange for in-game currency. These same shops also offer useful gear and consumables, making them a valuable resource for survival and progression.

Another crucial aspect of a survival game is the feel, functionality, and balance of weapons. The Walking Dead: Empires offers a wide variety of weapons, including bats, long staffs, handguns, Molotov cocktails, and heavy weapons like assault rifles. As you continue to use the bat, your melee combat skills increase, eventually enabling one-hit kills against walkers.

The Walking Dead: Empires features multiple attack types for weapons. For instance, handguns offer a range of skills, such as single shots, piercing shots, and a rapid-fire skill reminiscent of Cassidy from Overwatch. This last skill allows you to shoot targets in front of you at a fast pace, with the potential to achieve one-shot kills the longer you hold. While it could be seen as a copy of Cassidy's Overwatch skill, it adds variety and excitement to the game's combat system.

The Walking Dead: Empires also deviates from traditional base-building mechanics found in games like Clash of Clans. Instead of simply waiting for resources to upgrade your base, you'll face waves of walkers, requiring more powerful weapons like assault rifles to defend your home. You also have the option to move your entire base elsewhere on the map, which is often used to relocate closer to an allied guild's location. Since it is mentioned, the later stages of the game lean towards guild activities, similar to how Clash of Clans guilds work, where allies help each other progress.

Character customization extends to clothing, and players can also scrap items for parts to build more useful equipment. The game keeps players engaged without becoming too repetitive. A key feature discovered late in the playtest involves areas with varying rarity levels. These areas have different levels of loot and walker difficulty, creating a dynamic and challenging experience. In these locations, players can find more valuable resources, like sheet metal, in much greater quantities.


At first glance, The Walking Dead: Empires makes a good impression with its top-notch visuals, keeping pace with many of its Web2 counterparts within its category. The environment, farmable loot, and character models are well-designed, creating an enjoyable visual experience. Animations such as movement and pop-in effects are silky smooth and well-executed. The only visual flaw is that attack animations can appear clunky at times—melee weapons and skill attacks sometimes connect from an unrealistic range, making combat feel inconsistent. Otherwise, the game's visuals are impressive, though after several hours of gameplay, the repetition of zombie models and resource assets becomes noticeable. The game's audio design, ambient effects, and overall sound quality are good, but the lack of voiced dialogue is a missed opportunity that could have added more immersion.

If you're a fan of survival MMORPGs, The Walking Dead: Empires will likely be your kind of game. As mentioned earlier, it takes core mechanics from Fallout 1 & 2 and blends them with base-building elements. The variety of playable survivors is one of its most appealing aspects, and fans of The Walking Dead will enjoy stepping into the shoes of their favorite characters. The game's progression system and core gameplay loop are well-crafted, featuring staple MMORPG mechanics such as evolving skill trees, mastery levels, stat upgrades, and new gear unlocks. As an MMORPG player, I appreciate the satisfaction of grinding for better weapons and armor, and this game captures that experience well.

While the concept isn’t groundbreaking, The Walking Dead: Empires successfully takes some of the best aspects of the genre, adds its own unique spin, and integrates them into The Walking Dead’s post-apocalyptic universe. The controls are simple, with movement primarily handled through mouse clicks, while hotbar items and skills are assigned to keyboard shortcuts. However, one small issue is that targeting enemies also requires mouse clicks, the same action used for movement, which can lead to occasional misclicks, causing unintended attacks on walkers.

Despite its strengths, the game has some drawbacks. As an MMORPG, it won't appeal to everyone, as the genre is inherently grind-heavy and repetitive, especially in the early stages when players need to gather resources to level up. Additionally, some of the most popular and powerful survivors are locked behind NFT purchases, which can be frustrating for players who want to use their favorite characters without spending extra money.

Overall, The Walking Dead: Empires delivers a solid MMORPG experience with engaging mechanics, a satisfying progression system, and an immersive post-apocalyptic atmosphere. While it may not be for everyone, fans of survival games and The Walking Dead franchise will find plenty to enjoy.

The Walking Dead: Empires Review

The Walking Dead: Empires delivers a strong MMORPG experience, seamlessly blending classic survival mechanics with the tension and atmosphere of The Walking Dead universe. The combat, base-building, and progression systems feel rewarding, offering a satisfying sense of growth and survival. While it doesn’t revolutionize the genre, it effectively immerses players in a walker-infested world, making it a compelling choice for fans of both MMORPGs and The Walking Dead franchise.



Amazing leveling up system and skill point system

Weapons feel amazing and rewarding to use

Really good at making you feel like you are constantly at the need to survive, not a want

Clan system and ability to play with friends adds to the fun of the survival and looting aspect


Zombie spawn rates seem inconsistent, with instances of either a large number or just a few appearing.

Minor attack/skill animation flaws

Certain characters a re locked behind a paywall

Lack of story based and seasonal content

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About The Walking Dead: Empires


Ember Entertainment

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The Walking Dead: Empires

The Walking Dead: Empires is a multiplayer survival game in the world of AMC's The Walking Dead.


Ember Entertainment


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