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The Lost Glitches


Bring out your card game skills with The Lost Glitches — Syndicate Wars, where every card draw leads you deeper into a richly woven narrative set in the digital expanse of the Deep Sky. Assemble your deck, join forces with a Syndicate, and enhance your character's abilities with $LOST tokens for the ultimate goal of digital dominion.

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The Lost Glitches blends the strategic complexity of a collectible card game (CCG) with the immersive narrative and character development of a role-playing game (RPG). In the Lost Glitches world called the Deep Sky, players align with one of the game's Syndicates, crafting personalized decks to engage in tactical battles. Victories on the battlefield not only increase a player's character experience but also award $LOST tokens, which can be used to enhance character abilities and gear.

Lore: The Deep Sky Network

Players are introduced to the Deep Sky Network, a proto-metaverse experiment gone awry. A catastrophic glitch has trapped users in this digital realm, transforming them into "Glitches" — digital ghosts of their former selves, fighting to recover and protect their lost memories. 

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay of The Lost Glitches is designed to be accessible yet challenging, offering a strategic card-battling experience that rewards both tactical thinking and creativity. Here’s how it works:

Core Turn Structure

The game revolves around a straightforward turn structure, consisting of the Main Phase and the Attack Phase. Players start with a set amount of energy, which increases each turn, allowing them to play cards and execute strategies. The goal is to use your deck of Glitches and Software Cards effectively to reduce your opponent's health to zero, claiming victory.

Attacking and Defending

During their turn, players can initiate attacks with their Glitches, which are ready for action as soon as they are played. The defending player has the opportunity to block these attacks, strategically using their Glitches and any available energy to turn the tide in their favor. This dynamic creates a lively and engaging back-and-forth between players, where every move can be pivotal.

Deck Building and Strategy

An important part of gameplay is the building and optimization of your deck. With a vast array of cards available, players can craft decks tailored to their preferred playstyle. Whether focusing on aggressive attacks, defensive strategies, or a balanced approach, the possibilities are endless. The game encourages experimentation and adaptation, rewarding players who can think on their feet and adjust their tactics according to the situation.

NFTs and Lost Token

The first NFT collection in The Lost Glitches game allows players to stake them to earn $LOST tokens. As the game develops, these NFTs are expected to have more utilities. Right now, players can use $LOST tokens to buy Booster Packs. These packs have cards that are also NFTs, meaning you can trade them on the Immutable marketplace.

How to Get Started 

The Lost Glitches is currently in its Beta phase. A short demo version of the game is available right now on the Epic Games Store. For a more content-rich experience, join the game's scheduled playtest sessions, which are announced on their social media. 

About The Lost Glitches



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The Lost Glitches

The Lost Glitches — Syndicate Wars combines the strategic depth of a collectible card game with the exciting elements of a role-playing game inviting players to conquer the world of Deep Sky .




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