Growing Web3 Gaming with Blockchain Game Alliance

An exclusive interview with Flavien Defraire, the Director of Global Development for the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA)

Eliza Crichton-Stuart author picture}

Eliza Crichton-Stuart

Head of Operations

Flav Blockchain Game Alliance.jpg

In the ever-evolving landscape of the gaming industry, one organization stands at the forefront, tirelessly working to bridge the gap between the virtual and physical worlds. Meet Flavien Defraire, the Director of Global Development for the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA), an organization with a mission to promote blockchain technology within the gaming industry. In this exclusive piece for GAM3S.GG, we delve into BGA's goals, activities, and the exciting future it envisions for web3 gaming.


The BGA's Mission

At its core, the Blockchain Game Alliance aims to foster the integration of blockchain technology into traditional gaming. Since its inception in 2018, the organization has provided a platform for professionals in the blockchain gaming ecosystem to connect, learn, and collaborate. In a world where the gaming industry continues to evolve, BGA recognizes the crucial need to educate and make blockchain gaming accessible to all.

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The Blockchain Game Alliance, or BGA, aims to promote blockchain technology within the traditional gaming industry. We've been active since 2018, providing a platform for professionals in the blockchain gaming ecosystem to learn from each other and collaborate. Even five years later, the landscape is still evolving, and there's a need to educate others about blockchain gaming and make it accessible to all involved in the gaming industry. We achieve this through various activities.

Pillars of Progress

The BGA's work is guided by three primary pillars: visibility, connections, and education. These pillars are not merely buzzwords but the driving force behind the organization's activities.

Visibility: Online, BGA creates valuable content that helps its members understand each other better and identify potential partners. This focus on visibility ensures that blockchain gaming is not just a niche but a thriving community.

Connections: Recognizing the importance of face-to-face interactions, BGA organizes events worldwide, participates in conferences, and sets up booths to showcase its members' games and infrastructure. These real-world interactions are indispensable when making critical business decisions.

Education: BGA tirelessly educates the gaming industry about blockchain gaming and its implications. By fostering a culture of knowledge-sharing, the organization ensures that everyone, regardless of their background, can embrace this transformative technology.

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Online, we focus on visibility by creating valuable content that helps our members understand each other better and identify potential partners. We aim to connect professionals in the gaming space. Offline, in-person events are crucial. While we're all part of the metaverse in some way, there's no substitute for face-to-face interactions when making business decisions. We organize events all over the world, participate in conferences, set up booths to showcase our members' games & infrastructure, and educate the gaming industry about what blockchain gaming entails.

Diverse Membership

The strength of the BGA lies in its diverse membership, which includes game development companies integrating blockchain, gaming infrastructure providers, major publishers like Square Enix and Ubisoft, layer 1 and layer 2 solutions providers, law firms, and more. With inclusivity at its core, the BGA proudly focuses on supporting women in the blockchain gaming industry. As of now, the organization boasts a membership of 500 companies.


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We welcome any companies interested in or involved in the blockchain gaming ecosystem. Our members include game development companies integrating blockchain into their games, gaming infrastructure providers, game publishers like Square Enix and Ubisoft, layer 1 and layer 2 solutions providers, law firms, and various other entities contributing to the blockchain gaming space. Diversity is key, not only in terms of geography but also inclusivity, with a strong focus on women in the blockchain gaming industry. Currently, we have 500 member companies.

Real-World Engagement

Gamescom, one of the largest gaming conventions globally, presented an excellent opportunity for the BGA to engage with the broader gaming industry. BGA members, including impressive contributors in user acquisition and retention tools, were present at the event to showcase their work and collaborate. This presence at mainstream events was crucial for connecting with the broader gaming industry and gauging its interest in blockchain.


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Gamescom is one of the largest gaming conventions, attracting both B2C and B2B participants. It provided a unique opportunity for us to engage with the broader gaming industry, not just within our own blockchain sphere. We had a booth there, and our members got to explain what they do, including impressive work in user acquisition and retention tools. We also organized side events to bring our members together for collaborative purposes. Gamescom was essential for connecting with the gaming industry and gauging its interest in blockchain.

Witnessing Growth and Change

Over the years, the BGA has observed a correlation between its activities and the state of the crypto market. Awareness of blockchain gaming often aligns with crypto market trends. With the rise of Layer 1 solutions like Ethereum and increasing interest in blockchain gaming, even within the B2B sector, the organization has experienced significant growth. This growth necessitated the expansion of its team, transitioning from a member-driven organization to one with a dedicated full-time team.

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Over the past two years, with the rise of Layer 1 solutions like Ethereum, there has been increased interest in blockchain gaming, even within the B2B sector, especially after Facebook's rebranding to Meta. We've witnessed growing curiosity and interest in blockchain gaming, although this coincides with some market volatility. As an organization, we've expanded our team significantly to accommodate our growth, as we've transitioned from member-driven to having a dedicated full-time team.

The Future of Web3

The future of web3 is an exciting prospect. Technologies like ERC-6555 and ERC-1155 are paving the way for players to truly own in-game assets. Cross-platform experiences are becoming the norm, and the ability to purchase and use digital items across different platforms and metaverses is on the rise. Major game publishers are showing curiosity and interest in this transformative technology, signaling a bright future for web3 gaming.


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We're witnessing significant changes. Consider technology, where mobile phones are more affordable, better, and accessible to two-thirds of the global population under twelve years old. Games like Fortnite are generating massive revenue from selling digital items, avatars, and emotes. Cross-platform experiences are becoming the norm. The trend is not limited to gaming; it extends to other industries, like fashion and sports, where you can play regardless of your device. The ability to purchase and use digital items across different platforms and metaverses is becoming more common. 

Addressing Challenges 

BGA acknowledges the diverse challenges faced by its members, which range from talent acquisition and marketing to funding and user acquisition. Through education and annual reports that reflect the challenges and insights shared by its members, the BGA strives to address these challenges collaboratively. The top factors advancing blockchain gaming, as identified in the organization's previous report, include game improvements, major traditional gaming studio adoption, and major gaming franchise adoption. 


Exciting Events 

BGA has been focused on attending events and conferences, such as Gamescom, Token 2049, and the Tokyo Game Show. These events provided opportunities to engage with the global gaming community and explore partnerships. The organization is also working on new initiatives to increase visibility and provide learning opportunities, always in collaboration with its members.


Final Thoughts

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, the Blockchain Game Alliance remains at the forefront of change, championing the integration of blockchain technology into gaming. With a diverse and inclusive membership, a commitment to education, and a vision for the future, BGA is a beacon of progress in the world of web3 gaming. Keep an eye on this dynamic organization as it continues to shape the future of gaming, one blockchain at a time.

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