
GAM3 Awards 2023 Meet the Jury: Raiden

GAM3 Awards 2023 returns with a prominent jury, including Raiden, to honor excellence in web3 gaming. Insights on the future of web3 gaming.

Eliza Crichton-Stuart author picture}

Eliza Crichton-Stuart

Head of Operations

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Our GAM3 Awards, a prominent fixture in the realm of web3 gaming, are making a triumphant return this December 2023. The event's distinguished panel of judges has been unveiled, featuring a mix of familiar figures from 2022 and new representatives spanning various aspects of web3 gaming. Notable newcomers to the panel include experts from web3 gaming venture capital firms, blockchain and ecosystem specialists, infrastructure partners, and content creators, in addition to renowned gaming leaders and tech giants such as Amazon and Google.

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We are proud to introduce one of our jury members Raiden, a well known web3 gaming Content Creator and Founder of the Gaming Chronicles.

1. What is the most enjoyable part of your role?

“Being able to chime in & give my 2 cents about games I followed this year.”

2. How do you see the progress made in web3 gaming since last year?

“We have way more playable games than before, I believe the quality is really heating up & we're now really close to finding our first big hit. Pretty sure next year's nominees will be played by people outside of our niche.”

3. What is the most valuable addition web3 brings into gaming, from your perspective, if any?

“Ownership & P2E (which is really under looked in my opinion).”

4. What is your outlook on 2024 and beyond for web3 gaming?

“Mass adoption!”

The return of our GAM3 Awards in 2023 promises to be a celebration of the web3 gaming industry's growth and innovation. With industry figures like Raiden on the jury, the event is set to recognize excellence in the ever-evolving world of web3 gaming.

GAM3 Awards


February 20th 2024


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