

GAM3 Awards 2023 Meet the Jury: Dean Takahashi


GAM3 Awards 2023 Meet the Jury: Dean Takahashi

GAM3 Awards 2023 returns with a prominent jury, including Dean Takahashi, to honor excellence in web3 gaming. Insights on the future of web3 gaming.

By Eliza Crichton-Stuart author avatar

By Eliza Crichton-Stuart

Updated February 20th 2024

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Our GAM3 Awards, a standout event in web3 gaming, is set for a grand return this December 2023. Excitingly, our panel of judges includes familiar figures from 2022 and new voices spanning various corners of web3 gaming. Among the noteworthy additions are experts from web3 gaming venture capital firms, blockchain and ecosystem specialists, infrastructure partners, and content creators. We're also privileged to have esteemed leaders from the gaming realm and tech giants like Amazon and Google joining our distinguished jury lineup.

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We are proud to introduce one of our jury members Dean Takahashi, lead writer for GamesBeat at VentureBeat. He has been a tech journalist since 1988, and he has covered games as a beat since 1996. He has been at VentureBeat since 2008. Prior to that, he wrote for the San Jose Mercury News, the Red Herring, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and the Dallas Times-Herald. He is the author of two books, "Opening the Xbox" and "The Xbox 360 Uncloaked." Lastly, he organizes the very well-known annual GamesBeat and GamesBeat Summit conferences. 

1. What is the most enjoyable part of your role? 

“I enjoy speaking to newsmakers and people in the gaming community over a period of years.”

2. How do you see the progress made in web3 gaming since last year? 

“I believe the sketchy projects are disappearing and the ones that are surviving are shooting for high quality.”

3. What is the most valuable addition web3 brings into gaming, from your perspective, if any? 

“Player ownership and new ways to keep people engaged.”

4. What is your outlook on 2024 and beyond for web3 gaming? 

“I'd like to see more projects launched that can help the sector gain more respect and global acceptance.”

The return of our GAM3 Awards in 2023 promises to be a celebration of the web3 gaming industry's growth and innovation. With industry figures like Dean on the jury, the event is set to recognize excellence in the ever-evolving world of web3 gaming.

GAM3 Awards


February 20th 2024


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