
Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

Discover the diversity challenges in blockchain gaming highlighted in the 2023 Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) Report, with a focus on gender representation and industry trends.

Eliza Crichton-Stuart author picture}

Eliza Crichton-Stuart

Head of Operations

Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

The blockchain gaming industry, like many emerging sectors, faces challenges when it comes to diversity and gender representation. According to the 2023 State of the Industry Report by the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA), the growing sector shows promise in many areas, including player ownership, innovation, and global expansion. However, the report also highlights critical diversity issues, particularly in gender representation, that the industry must address to promote a more inclusive environment. Make sure you submit your responses for the 2024 Industry Survey, available here.

Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

The BGA 2023 Industry Report

The Blockchain Game Alliance's (BGA) 2023 Industry Report offers a comprehensive look into the state of the blockchain gaming industry. The report provides valuable insights into the industry’s current challenges, emerging opportunities, regional developments, and diversity issues.

Based on feedback from 536 professionals worldwide, the report reveals the evolving landscape of blockchain gaming, two years into the ongoing Crypto Winter, and sets the stage for further analysis in 2024. In this article, we will specifically focus on data collected regarding gender diversity in the blockchain gaming scene for 2023.

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 Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) 2023 Industry Report Key Points

Addressing the Gender Diversity Decline

One of the most concerning trends reported in the BGA’s 2023 study is the declining participation of women. Female representation has dropped consistently over the last three years, from 20.3% in 2021 to 16.9% in 2023. This decrease comes despite the industry's efforts to improve overall diversity and the growing interest in blockchain gaming.

The issue is not isolated to gender. Younger respondents, particularly those aged 18 to 24, also made up a smaller portion of the 2023 survey cohort compared to previous years. This signals a broader issue of inclusion across various demographic groups, creating an urgent need to address the barriers preventing diverse individuals from engaging with blockchain gaming.

Leah Callon-Butler, Director at Emfarsis, commented: “Since 2020, Asia has been a harbinger for web3 gaming. From  cutting-edge games development  in Vietnam to world-class IPs in  Japan and Korea, to forward-thinking regulation in Singapore  and Hong Kong, to unprecedented  adoption rates in the Philippines,  look to Asia if you want to know  where this industry is going next.” 

Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

Leah Callon-Butler, Director at Emfarsis

Why is Gender Diversity Important?

Gender diversity is vital for fostering creativity and innovation in the blockchain gaming space. Having different perspectives enriches decision-making and enables the development of games that appeal to a broader audience. The BGA emphasizes the importance of gender diversity, noting that it helps create a more equitable society, where individuals of all backgrounds have equal opportunities to contribute.

Despite the declining numbers, efforts are underway to improve female participation in blockchain gaming. One notable initiative by the BGA is the restructuring of its board to include a more balanced gender representation, moving from just one female member among nine to three women and three men. This move signals a commitment to change but also highlights the need for sustained efforts to close the gender gap.

Sébastien Borget, President of the BGA, commented: "The gaming industry must represent the diversity of professionals within its ecosystem, and at the Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA), we are committed to reflecting this through our actions. One of our first steps is ensuring a gender-balanced board and team. This is an industry-wide issue that requires a collective effort to ensure all voices are heard. We believe the gaming industry should not only represent the diversity of its professionals but also the diverse audience it serves." 

Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

Female Respondents for BGA 2023 Industry Report

Implications of Broader Diversity Issues

The challenges go beyond gender representation. Blockchain gaming, as highlighted in the BGA report, remains a male-dominated industry with a majority of respondents holding senior-level roles, such as founders and executives. These leadership roles are often held by individuals with a specific set of experiences, typically in the web3 and crypto sectors, which can narrow the scope for inclusivity. To fully realize the potential of blockchain gaming, the industry needs to open doors for underrepresented groups and young talent.

The data also reveal that while gaming studios represent a large portion of the respondent base, a significant share comes from "Other Contributors," which includes roles like content creators, community managers, and esports players. These roles highlight the multifaceted nature of blockchain gaming and underscore the importance of promoting diversity in all areas of the industry.

Bozena Rezab, Founder and CEO of GAMEE, commented: "I was thrilled to see more women entering the gaming industry in 2023. They’re not just participating; they’re leading the charge and bringing fresh, innovative ideas to the table. I can’t wait to see this momentum grow even stronger in 2024. Here’s to more games, more voices, and more girl power in the mix."

BGA 2023 Industry Report

Survey Respondents Key Findings

Industry Efforts to Foster Inclusivity

As blockchain gaming continues to evolve, the BGA and industry leaders are taking steps to address diversity challenges. Initiatives aimed at gender equality, such as increasing female leadership and creating more inclusive professional networks, are a positive start. However, long-term solutions require greater engagement across all demographics, not just in gender but in age, ethnicity, and professional background.

Additionally, global contributions to blockchain gaming, particularly from emerging regions such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Oceania, illustrate the industry's potential for diverse growth. These regions are becoming significant players, with investments in blockchain gaming infrastructure. However, increasing representation from underrepresented regions and communities is crucial for ensuring the industry remains globally relevant and inclusive.

Flavien Defraire, Director of Global Development at BGA, commented: "In our quest to unlock blockchain’s potential in gaming, we strongly believe that integrating a spectrum of distinct viewpoints and skills will elevate our common goal and help the Web3 gaming ecosystem flourish. Achieving full inclusivity and diversity, reflecting the broad range of its players, is essential. The Blockchain Game Alliance (BGA) actively works towards this vision to represent the large network of members within the Alliance." 

Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

Demographics Breakdown for BGA 2023 Industry Report

The Path Forward

The blockchain gaming sector is expected to continue its expansion, with mainstream adoption likely on the horizon. As more traditional gaming studios integrate blockchain technology, the opportunity for greater diversity grows. The BGA report shows that many professionals remain confident about the future, with 52.1% predicting that blockchain will power a significant portion of the gaming industry within the next year.

For blockchain gaming to thrive in the long term, a concerted effort to address diversity challenges is essential. This includes creating environments that encourage participation from women, younger professionals, and individuals from different regions and cultural backgrounds. The ongoing focus on decentralization, true digital ownership, and community governance should also extend to diversifying the workforce and leadership within the industry.

Christina Macedo, Co-founder and CEO of ReadyGG, commented: "As builders and founders working to scale emerging technology, it’s essential that we create for all consumers by promoting diversity within our teams and designing products for a global market. Mobile gaming, for example, has enabled more women to enter the gaming space, making it more inclusive. For Web3 to achieve similar massive scale and consumer adoption, it must adopt a mobile-first approach."

Addressing Diversity Challenges in Blockchain Gaming

Changing Attitudes: Top 10 Benefits of Blockchain Gaming

Final Thoughts

The 2023 Blockchain Game Alliance report provides valuable insights into the state of the blockchain gaming industry. While it highlights the many opportunities for growth and innovation, it also underscores critical challenges related to diversity and inclusion. Addressing these issues, particularly the declining gender diversity is crucial for fostering a more equitable and innovative blockchain gaming sector.

As the industry continues to evolve, promoting inclusivity will not only enhance creativity but also help build a gaming landscape that reflects the full spectrum of talent and potential available globally. You can read the full report here. Also make sure you submit your responses for the BGA's 2024 Industry Survey, which is now op and available for those who want to submit responses.



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September 7th 2024

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