

Axie Origins Announces Competitive Axie Grants


Axie Origins Announces Competitive Axie Grants

Axie Esports grant expands its range to include Axie Classic and Axie DoLL. In addition, it suggests new tournament formats and now accepts grant applications.

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By Hub

Updated September 6th 2023


As the previous Axie Esports grant is winding down, we're excited to share updates on competitive axie gaming. We're expanding the range of games that can apply for grants, now including Axie Classic and Axie DoLL. This move aims to offer more opportunities for the Axie community to demonstrate their gaming skills in diverse ways.

In addition to the expansion of the grant scope, we are also encouraging more interesting and fun tournament formats. These could include Pick/Bans, No same parts, No same class, Same body/color, Collector axies only, Classic axies in Origins, and Origins axies in Classic. We're also suggesting a format where if an axie dies in a game, it will be banned from being used in the succeeding games.

Moreover, we encourage creativity from the community in proposing other exciting formats that would be enjoyed by fellow Lunacians.

To further streamline the grant application process, we're now accepting grant applications on a rolling basis. This way, applicants can submit proposals at any time, while our team reviews them as they come in. This approach aims to eliminate the rush often associated with meeting grant application deadlines, making it easier for players and viewers to stay informed.

For those interested in applying for a grant, applications can be submitted through the link here.

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