Anomaly Launches AI-Powered Gaming Testnet on Arbitrum

Explore Anomaly's latest milestone as they unveil an AI-driven gaming platform testnet on Arbitrum, promising fast transactions and enhanced gaming experiences for users.

Eliza Crichton-Stuart author picture}

Eliza Crichton-Stuart

Head of Operations

Anomaly Launches AI-Powered Gaming Testnet on Arbitrum Blockchain

Anomaly - an AI gaming studio and Layer 3 blockchain - has just announced the launch of its AI-powered zero gas gaming platform testnet on Arbitrum. This move signifies a significant step in Anomaly's mission to reshape the gaming industry by leveraging blockchain technology and artificial intelligence (AI).

In this article, we will explore Anomaly's latest milestone as they unveil an AI-driven gaming platform testnet on Arbitrum, promising fast transactions and enhanced gaming experiences for users. Read on to find out more!

Anomaly Launches AI-Powered Gaming Testnet on Arbitrum Blockchain

Immersive Gaming

The platform aims to provide developers with the tools needed to create immersive gaming experiences on the blockchain while streamlining user onboarding and monetization processes. Leveraging Arbitrum’s AnyTrust DAC technology, Anomaly promises fast, secure, and scalable transactions with a block time of 250ms.

One notable feature of the Anomaly app chain is its integration of social platforms for user onboarding, enabling quicker access to gaming experiences and facilitating developers' monetization efforts. Additionally, Anomaly will utilize Gelato’s Node-as-a-Service solution to enhance its blockchain capabilities, rewarding Node NFT holders to incentivize community participation.

Anomaly Launches AI-Powered Gaming Testnet on Arbitrum Blockchain

Sentience SDK and AI

Anomaly's Sentience SDK, an AI feature embedded within the platform, will drive various aspects of the gaming experience, including matchmaking, decision-making, and quest creation. The platform's AI-agnostic approach ensures compatibility with a range of AI technologies, offering developers unprecedented customization and scalability.

With games like Dicestone and Wildstone already onboarded, Anomaly aims to expand its portfolio of games over time, fostering community engagement and innovation within the blockchain gaming space. Long Do, Founder of Anomaly, emphasizes the platform's role in pioneering a new era of web3 gaming, driven by decentralized AI technology.

Anomaly Launches AI-Powered Gaming Testnet on Arbitrum Blockchain

“With Anomaly, we’re not just launching another gaming platform; we’re pioneering a new paradigm in web3 gaming, that will fundamentally alter the blockchain gaming industry,” said Long Do, Founder of Anomaly. “Anomaly’s Layer-3 will function as a decentralized game layer with a native AI tech stack, promoting interoperability and platform experience.”

The launch of Anomaly on the Arbitrum testnet aligns with the chain’s efficient Orbit Roll-Up technology, enabling developers to deploy AI-powered games rapidly. As Anomaly continues to push boundaries in blockchain gaming, it sets the stage for a future where AI-driven experiences redefine interactive entertainment.

Arbitrum $400 Million Fund

This news comes on the heels of Arbitrum Foundation's recent initiatives in the gaming and entertainment sectors. Arbitrum Foundation revealed plans to finance a feature-length film by acclaimed filmmaker Shane Boris, signaling its commitment to diverse entertainment ventures.

In another recent announcement, the Arbitrum Foundation has revealed its ambitious "Gaming Catalyst Program". The foundation seeks to earmark approximately $400 million over the next two years. The primary objective of this initiative is to entice publishers and developers into creating video games utilizing its blockchain technology. 

Arbitrum $400 Million Fund for Blockchain Game Development

More About Anomaly?

Anomaly is an AI gaming studio and Layer 3 blockchain innovator dedicated to reshaping the gaming industry through the integration of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. With a focus on rapid game development, community engagement, and innovative approaches to gaming, Anomaly aims to set new standards for interactive entertainment.



May 23rd 2024


May 8th 2024

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