A comprehensive guide on what to do and the best levelling strategy for level 25 and above for Gran Saga: Unlimited
Gran Saga: Unlimited
By Attis
Updated Sep 6, 2023
Updated Sep 6, 2023
In our previous comprehensive Gran Saga: Unlimited guide, we walked you through the best strategies to maximize your character's potential and level up quickly in the immersive world of Gran Saga: Unlimited by levelling up your character from the creation screen all the way to level 25. This time, we are diving deeper and going further, for those who want to go beyond level 25 and max out their characters. We will guide you through the levelling, the raids, and the key tips to succeed in optimizing your character after level 25.
Once you reach level 25 in Gran Saga: Unlimited (GSU), there are quests available in the Windshear Valley area. However, I recommend leaving these quests for when you reach level 26. Instead, focus on running Pigor Fortress at the Calamity or Disaster level until then. Doing so will enable you to use the quests in Windshear Valley to quickly advance through Level 26.
By following this approach, you can easily reach level 27 in about an hour. The initial set of quests will lead you through the Valleys of Windshear, as shown on the map. Eventually, you'll reach the camp at the top of the map, where you'll encounter wind elementals, harpies, and the Harpy Queen for quests. Some of these quests can be repeated for additional rewards.
In the image above, you'll notice the Cursed King Rift marked as well. This rift will be available to you at level 27 and offers a fast way to reach level 30. With a dedicated group, you can clear this rift in around 15 minutes, allowing you to complete all 6 possible runs within two hours of playtime. The Cursed King rift features the same map as Karthraza and has three main bosses - two skeletons that cast AoE spells and a massive croak.
The first chamber in the rift contains three graves that spawn spirits. These spirits have low health, making them perfect targets for AoE spells. After defeating the final wave of spirits, destroy the graves and set the souls free. Proceed to the second chamber where you'll encounter the first boss, who will revive after having their health reduced to 0%. This is a common mechanic with undead creatures, requiring their health to be depleted twice to be fully slain.
The first two bosses are undead, and the second boss in the second chamber will also spawn additional skeletons. It's essential for the damage dealers to focus on the boss, as defeating the boss will make the additional skeletons disappear. The same mechanic applies to the final boss in the Cursed King Rift, and the tank should save the group taunt ability for when additional mobs are spawned.
By following these leveling strategies and tackling the Cursed King Rift efficiently, you can make significant progress in Gran Saga: Unlimited and reach higher levels swiftly.
Regarding the possibility of 6 daily rift runs in Gran Saga: Unlimited (GSU), it's true that each run consumes 30 Fatigue points, and you start with a total of 120 points. However, you can acquire error codes from the market or by farming in the Chaos area. These error codes allow you to buy Fatigue Point Potions from Lillith in the System Room. Additionally, you can purchase XP scrolls from Lillith, highly recommended as using 1 scroll per Cursed King run speeds up your progression from level 27 to level 30.
To reach a total of 6 daily rift runs, you can craft another Fatigue Point Potion using Magic spores purchased from the market or directly from the player market. Although these potions might be pricey, each rift run generates around 2,000 gold in revenue, making the investment in error codes and potions a net positive for players.
As you progress to higher levels, Karthraza will open up - a higher-level version of Moonstone Cave featuring elite monsters with high health points and attack damage, making it dangerous for solo play. To tackle this area, team up with other players, especially for the three bosses - Fauros, King Papalu, and Gargnil. Completing quests related to these bosses multiple times grants significant XP rewards. These bosses are challenging and require 4-6 players to defeat, so having at least two parties or enlisting the help of players around level 35 will make the encounters more manageable.
Congratulations on reaching level 30! This is a major achievement, offering rewards such as squeezies for your Catcha NFT from the Metapixel collection and access to the end-game content's centerpiece - the Wind Corridor raid.
When it comes to this set of levels, there are two main paths that people take to progress to level 35:
To complete this raid, a total of 16 players will be needed. To enter, no fatigue points are required. There are four main areas inside the Wind Corridor. The first is filled with creatures prior to the first boss, the dancing warrior Roak. If you are looking to farm the raid for experience in your quest to reach level 35, these creatures can be killed, and then the raid can be exited and entered again to repeat this process. In this area, there are two mini bosses that are fire elementals and have around 500k HP. They cast various AoE spells, with the only dangerous one being a purple-colored AoE that will wipe out any non-tank characters inside the area. They will drop some items as loot, and if you are lucky, they can drop a rare item!
When fighting the first boss, Dancing Warrior Roak, he spawns minions periodically that will need to be defeated if you take aggro. However, there is a good strategy in pulling the boss away from the area towards the starting area you have just cleared, negating any aggression coming from the additional spawned minions. This will make it a lot easier to defeat him, and you will only have to worry about his small AoE attack that knocks players back, as well as his bigger AoE attack when he gets to less than 20% health. This is easily absorbed by tanks; however, melee should be careful and make sure to stand on the opposite side of the tanks to stay alive.
Next comes the second boss, Hammer Warrior Mjol, a big version of a Lupa warrior that you encountered in Karthraza. The strategy for him is to let the tanks take aggression and face him away from the rest of the group. He will cast a frontal cone AoE that knocks tanks back and damages them, but the tanks can easily absorb this attack. Once you have slain Mjol, you will move onto the final platform where you will fight a preliminary boss called Wind Usurper.
The Wind Usurper has a pattern of attacks as follows: a straight line AoE attack, two small purple AoE attacks, followed by a bigger AoE attack with a purple color. All of these AoE attacks should be avoided by players who are not tanks, as they can quickly kill them. A strategy here is to let the Tanks pull the Wind Usurper to the far side of the platform and then let the rest of the raid group engage while taking care not to get caught in any of his AoE attacks. Once the Wind Usurper reaches 20% health, he will turn into crystals, and the final boss, The Initial Bug Scardi, will appear. It is best here to reset by running to the previous platform and gathering the raid group together before engaging again.
Once reset, the raid group will split into two groups: the harpy group and the boss group. This is done because Harpies will spawn while fighting the boss, and these need to be slain before they reach the boss, as spending too much time close to Scardi will cause her to fly into the air and perform a massive AoE that can wipe most of the raid group. Generally, splitting four damage dealers and one tank into the Harpy group will suffice, leaving the rest to deal damage to the boss.
When fighting Scardi, she will need to be pulled towards the bridge to minimize the effect of her purple AoE attack that has a 180-degree angle. Scardi will periodically cast this attack once she reaches 75% health, and it is best dealt with by having the tanks cast their defensive spells and the raid group standing underneath her, allowing them to move into the unaffected area quickly. Once Scardi reaches 50% health, she will stop for a moment to cast a quick-hitting AoE attack that damages anyone standing close to her. Tanks can absorb this, but they will need to cast their shields and defensive spells to allow the rest of the raid members a chance of survival.
At this point, things get complicated. If Scardi is not defeated within 15 minutes of engaging, she will fly into the center and cast a frost storm that shoots ice across the platform. Players caught by the ice will freeze for over twenty seconds, causing enough damage to kill most raid members. Healers and tanks have to be extremely ready for this, and the raid members will also have to remain mobile throughout this period. One thing that helps in this scenario is that players can mount their horses, allowing them to move out of the way of the directional ice attacks. If the raid gets through this stage, it is almost guaranteed for the group to be successful in slaying Scardi and completing the Wind Corridor, gaining the spoils. The loot gained here can include a Gran Weapon that deals enormous damage, buffs, and heals.
An important note regarding the time restrictions of the raid is that players are recommended to be well-geared to deal enough damage and stay alive. A general guideline for this is for damage dealers to have approximately 300 damage and for all raid members to have at least 140 armor to mitigate the damage from the raid bosses. This means that once a player reaches level 30, they should focus on using the scrolls they have been saving up, as well as the monster souls obtained from the Cube instance earlier in the game, to give themselves the best chance of completing the raid. To know which stats are most helpful for your class, refer back to the cheat sheet in the first guide that we have published!
After completing the Wind Corridor and all other Rifts, players may explore the other areas on the map open to players throughout the playtest. However, this concludes the main pieces of playable content for the playtest! We hope you enjoyed reading this guide and that it has helped you in your quest to level up and complete all of the content currently available.
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