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Grim Syndicate, an NFT collection launched in 2021, has developed a card game called Abysswalkers, set within the Grim Syndicate universe marred by the Daemon Scourge. In a distant part of the universe, a traveler named Pilgrim U'Sol discovered that every living thing has a soul. The story "Immortal Omnibus" narrates the events before the Ethereal Transit Authority (ETA) began transporting souls to the afterlife, a task assigned by Nazuul, the God of Death. Nazuul created Heralds, or Angels of Death, to manage souls after death.

An advanced race known as the Ancients accidentally unleashed monsters called Daemons, sparking a massive war. To stop the Daemons, Nazuul's Heralds used a powerful weapon called the "God Bomb." While effective, it left the universe in ruins. Over time, life reemerged, and mysterious new creatures called Grims appeared. Lacking souls, Grims were sustained by a dark substance known as Voidmatter, highlighting the universe's endless surprises and mysteries.

The game is currently available on Steam and does not require high-end hardware.

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In Abysswalkers, players start with a few test games to learn the mechanics. After these matches, they can create and customize decks of cards. Before each match, players select a deck and a Grim, with the deck determining available units and abilities. Each Grim starts with 20 health points and has a special ability.

The game board features tile slots for combat units, a deck for drawing cards, and a visible graveyard for used cards. Units belong to one of three classes: Corporeal, Intellectual, or Ethereal, each with unique strengths and weaknesses. Slots can have attack or defense towers to increase damage dealt or withstand more damage. Barriers can also be placed on slots, preventing the opponent from placing units there and blocking attacks by interfering with the target's vision.

During gameplay, players start with 1 Action Point (AP) and gain an additional point each round, up to a maximum of 10. APs are used to play cards and execute moves. Units, represented by cards, display vital stats such as AP cost, attack, defense, and class affiliation, along with effects and directional arrows indicating attack angles.

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Units can gain various effect icons like Guardian, Wrath, and Swift, which influence behavior and combat outcomes. Interactions are classified as Contested or Uncontested based on proximity and arrow alignment, affecting attack possibilities and strategic positioning. The game uses automatic advantage and disadvantage rolls during unit interactions, canceling each other out when applicable. "Boom" cards have diverse effects, from health boosts to board-clearing abilities. Visual cues indicate available attacks, enhancing strategic decision-making during gameplay.


Abysswalkers offers a well-designed TCG experience with an excellent onboarding tutorial that immerses players in the game's essential lore.

Graphics: The visuals in Abysswalkers are solid, with well-done VFX for character attacks. The overall UI is pleasing, though nothing stands out particularly. Adding effects when characters are played could enhance the overall experience.

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Audio Design: The audio design is competent, with expected SFX for attacks given the current development stage. Introducing distinct sounds for each attack and effect could improve retention by making the experience more engaging.

Gameplay: The core gameplay loop is easy to understand, with significant depth added by the abilities and characteristics of each card. However, the current card variety is limited, which is understandable for an early open beta. This limitation restricts the diversity of playstyles and holds the game back.

Overall: I would rate Abysswalkers a 5.5/10. It is well-built for its current stage, but it needs a continuous release of new cards to provide a more in-depth experience and allow for varied playstyles. Accessible through Steam, this game has potential as a TCG on Solana, and it's open for people to try.

Abysswalkers Review

Abysswalkers offers a well-designed TCG experience with an excellent tutorial that immerses players in the game's lore. The graphics are solid, with decent VFX, though additional effects for character play could enhance the experience. The audio design is competent but could benefit from more distinct sounds for attacks and effects. The gameplay is easy to understand and has depth, but the limited card variety restricts playstyle diversity.



Excellent tutorial

Well-integrated IP

Decent graphics


Limited card variety

Small player pool

Lacks some SFX and VFX

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About Abysswalkers


Grim Syndicate

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Abysswalkers is a competitive and tactical trading card game set in the Grim Syndicate universe, where players collect, trade, and battle with unique Daemon and Rune cards


Grim Syndicate






